CYA Tennis 2025!

CYA Tennis 2025!


Welcome to the 2025 season of the CYA Tennis program! This year’s program is professionally run by Serves & Aces, headed by Coach Anna Klinker.

Contact Information

For questions and inquiries, please contact:


All CYA Tennis programs will be held at the Chantilly High School tennis courts (4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA 20151).


We offer two levels of tennis:

  1. House League (Beginner)
  2. Travel League (Intermediate)


Please see detailed descriptions and session information below for each league to determine which is best for your child.


How to Register

When ready to register, simply click on the REGISTRATION tab, then select Click Here to Register for a CYA Sport. Alternatively, you can go directly to the registration page by clicking the following link: Register Here.

House League


The CYA Tennis House League is designed for children with none or very limited tennis experience (beginners to advanced beginners). House League focuses on the fundamentals and skill development, while still incorporating games and supervised play (tennis should be fun!). Court sizes and rules are modified to meet age and skill level based on the USTA National Quickstart Tennis program.


House League is offered in one of three (3), five-week sessions. Each session consists of ten (10) classes. You may register for one or more sessions.

COST: $175 per session

Session 1 (CYA Spring)

June 2 – July 10

Raindates*: July 14 – July 17

No practice the week of June 30 – July 3

Session 2 (CYA Summer)

July 21 – August 21

Raindates*: August 25 – August 28

Session 3 (CYA Fall)

 September 2 – October 13**

Raindates*: October 14 – October 20

No practice the week of September 22 – September 25

* Raindates & Makeup Policy: Two makeup practice dates will be added on at the end of each session in case of weather-related cancellations such as thunderstorms, excessive heat warnings, and poor air quality. Should there be more than two (2) cancellations, there will be no additional makeups and no refunds will be given.


** All practices after October 10th will start and end 15 minutes early due to daylight constraints.

Practice Times

The program meets twice a week for one hour over the course of the chosen five-week session. The practice times are separated by age and skill level, as shown below.

Please register for the specific practice day and time according to your child’s age:


Session 1 (CYA Spring) & Session 2 (CYA Summer)

 Ages 5 – 7 : Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Ages 8 – 10 : Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm

Ages 11 – 12 : Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30 – 7:30 pm

Ages 13 – 16 : Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30 – 6:30 pm


Session 3 (CYA Fall)

 Ages 5 – 7 : Mondays and Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Ages 8 – 10 : Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:00 pm

Ages 11 – 12 : Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Ages 13 – 16 : Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:00 – 6:00 pm


Equipment & Dress

  1. Please bring a tennis racquet (tennis balls are provided) and dress comfortably for the weather. It gets hot on the court!
  2. Tennis shoes/sneakers are required for court safety.
  3. Please make sure to bring plenty of water to ensure your player stays hydrated. It can be very hot in the sun!


NOTE: we do have a few rackets that players can borrow but not enough for all players participating.



Travel League


The CYA Tennis Travel League is designed for more serious players who have advanced out of House League. To qualify for Travel League, you must try out! We expect players to be able to serve, keep score, hold a consistent baseline-to-baseline rally and have experience playing matches. For a more detailed list of requirements, please see TRAVEL TENNIS REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA below.

Age Requirement

The CYA Tennis Travel League is for players ages 10 – 16. Both age-ranges will be playing on a standard full-size court and will be separated by court with their age group:


Group 1: Ages 10 – 12

Group 2: Ages 13 – 16


Please note, if a child in the 10 - 12 age group is showing progress beyond their age range, they may be moved to the older age group.


All players interested in Travel League must attend one tryout session. Several tryout sessions will be offered, but you only need to attend one.


If interested in trying out, please email with your child’s name and preferred tryout session. If your child has previously attended CYA Travel, please mention that in the email. There is a chance I may have already seen your child play and they may not need to try out.


Reminder: all tryouts are held at the Chantilly High School tennis courts.

Tryout Days for Session 1 (CYA Summer)



Tryout Days for Session 2 (CYA Fall)

Note: If you participated in the CYA Summer Travel Session, you do not need to re-tryout for CYA Fall Travel. You may register without trying out.



Should the participant not be selected for the Travel Tennis program, his/her registration will automatically be transferred to the CYA Tennis House League program. Should you not want to participate in the House League program if not selected for Travel Tennis, you should not register for the program prior to the tryout.


Travel League is offered in one of two (2), six-week sessions***. Each session includes five (5) practices and one (1) Tournament Day. You may register for one or more sessions.

COST: $197 per session

Session 1 (CYA Summer)

June 15 – July 27

Raindates*: August 3, August 10

No practice July 6

Session 2 (CYA Fall)

August 17 – October 5

Raindates*: October 12**, October 19

No practice August 31 and September 21

* Raindates & Makeup Policy: Two makeup practice dates will be added on at the end of each session in case of weather-related cancellations such as thunderstorms, excessive heat warnings, and poor air quality. Should there be more than two (2) cancellations, there will be no additional makeups and no refunds will be given. 


** All practices after October 10th will start and end 15 minutes early due to daylight constraints.


*** The six-week session includes five (5) practices and one (1) optional Tournament Day. For more information on Tournament Day, please see the Tournament Day section below.

Practice Times

Travel League practice meets every Sunday evening from 5:00 - 7:00 pm.

Tournament Day

At the end of each session (after five-practices), we will host a Tournament Day! This is supposed to replicate a USTA tournament but in a setting that is fun and familiar. We want your kids to be as comfortable with match play as possible!


Tournament Day will not be held at our usual practice time since tournaments normally run longer than two hours. Currently, Tournament Day is scheduled for:

Session 1 (CYA Summer): July 27

Session 2 (CYA Fall): October 5

More information on Tournament Day, including the exact times and match-play format, will be provided at the beginning of your session.

Travel Tennis Requirements and Criteria

  1. Must be able to maintain a full-court (baseline-to-baseline) rally using solid fundamental technique such as following-through on groundstrokes.

  1. Must be able to serve consistently into the correct service box from the baseline.

  1. Must be comfortable playing real tennis matches. This includes being able to keep score and stand in the proper on-court positions without consistent prompting.

  1. The Travel Tennis League requires a higher level of focus and effort during practice. If your child is not willing to give maximum effort during Travel Tennis practices, it is suggested they participate in the House League program.



CYA Tennis Policies & Additional Information


Refund Policy

CYA Tennis has a NO REFUND POLICY for all of its programs. Please take this into careful consideration when registering.

Parent Code of Conduct

We expect parents and guardians to be respectful and supportive during all practices and events. Please refrain from coaching your child on the sidelines during practice sessions. We believe a positive, encouraging environment benefits all players. Additionally, to maintain focus and make the most of our practice sessions, please hold any issues, questions, or inquiries for the coaches until before or after practice (unless it’s an emergency). This will help us stay fully engaged during our lessons. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


The CYA Tennis program is held at Chantilly High School outside of regular school hours. Therefore, the school bathrooms are often locked so the only available bathroom is a porta-potty on the football field.

NOTE: Neither House nor Travel Tennis is part of the CYA/Fairfax County Scholarship program; full-fee is required for participation.


See you on the court!

Contact Us


CYA Office
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

CYA Fieldhouse
14810 Murdock Street
Chantilly, VA 20151

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